Online Fundraising integration

Here's how we establish access to your Online Fundraising in just a few minutes, so you can receive donations (and data is automatically transferred to your Online Fundraising / CRM). If you use a different payment gateway, we can assist you with that as well.

  1. Establish connection. It takes just a few minutes, and you can receive donations through your existing Online Fundraising agreement. Here’s how:
    1. Log in at
    2. Click Settings
    3. Click Payment Settings
    4. Under "Payment gateway settings" select "Online Fundraising"
    5. Uncheck Sandbox
    6. Enter the data from your Online Fundraising agreement into these four fields:
      1. DataSet API URL
      2. DataSet API token
      3. Payment Session API URL
      4. Payment Engine API token
    7. Click "Save payment provider"
    8. Congratulations: You can now receive donations. Donate 1 kr. to a fundraiser and test that it works.

  2. Test that data is transferred to your CRM: By default, the data collected via Online Fundraising is already recorded in your CRM. So, donate 1 kr. to a fundraiser and check if and how it is transferred to your CRM.

  3. Specify 'Purpose Accounting Code' for each campaign: In the backend of, you can specify a 'Purpose Accounting Code' for each campaign, which will be sent with each donation to Online Fundraising and thus also transferred to your CRM. This allows you to track each donation from our platform down to your CRM.
    1. Log in at
    2. Click Campaigns
    3. Select a campaign
    4. Select the "Payment Settings" tab
    5. Fill in the 4 Online Fundraising fields, which will accompany each donation from the selected campaign. Only the 'Purpose Accounting Code' field is mandatory.